Hair Transplant Price Turkey Istanbul are more affordable than most Hair Transplant Packages in Europe. Hair Transplant Package Prices are about 7000€ in England, 6000€ in other European Countries, and 12000€ in USA. In Turkey, it is between 1500€and 3500€.
Due to the exchange rate in Turkey, Hair Transplant Package Costs are more affordable than other European countries. For this reason, Turkey has developed more in Health Tourism and especially in Hair Transplantation compared to other countries.
The main reasons for the differences between Hair Transplant Package Costs in Turkey are the Experience, Certifications and Abilities of the Hair Transplant Doctor. Secondly, services such as Hotels, Hospitals and Patient Transfers offered in Turkey also have a price-determining feature.
We do hair transplants in the JCI accredited operating room of one of Turkey's best known and top rated Acibadem Hospitals. All Hair Transplantation Surgeries are performed by Dr Ferhad YILDIZ. Our biggest feature that makes us different from other hair transplant companies is "We Perform Only One Hair Transplant Surgery Per Day" So that our surgeries, services and results are perfect.
January 2025