Hairline Surgery
Nowadays, with the increase in shedding especially in the front hair parts due to stress at young ages and the loss of the front hairline over time, anterior hairline surgery have started to be performed widely.
There are points to be considered when planning hairline surgery that can be applied to patients with Norwood scale 1 and Norwood scale 2 hair loss.
Facial Anatomy Important at Hairline Surgery
First of all, facial anatomy should be analyzed carefully while planning a new front hairline. Important anatomical formations such as nose structure, forehead structure, eyebrow structure are among the structures that should be considered when determining the hairline.
Just as not every human face is the same, the same hairline will not adapt to every facial anatomy.
The muscle structure on the forehead is the anatomical formation that most limits the hairline. Hair transplants made into the muscle structure will remain outside the natural appearance and will cause an image that will disturb you for life. The anterior hairline made directly above the muscle line is also not correct, because with age, the anterior muscles become hypertrophied and enlarge towards the scalp. It should not be forgotten that the results of the plan to be made should present a natural appearance to the patient at all ages.
Role of Techniques in Hairline Surgery
After the natural anterior hairline planning, there are differences in hair transplant surgery compared to other hair transplants, especially grooving and graft selection. “What is graft and how many graft you need” you can find answer of these question in my blog page here.
Especially in the front hairline, too straight planning should be avoided, and grafts with finer hair follicles should be preferred. Although this is seen as a disadvantage for the patient in the short term, the hair that grows as a result of hair transplantation will give a more natural result.
Be Careful
One of the biggest anterior hairline plan mistakes we see today is female hair anatomy plans made for men. In order to preserve the masculine image and for naturalness, especially the gulf regions, if slightly curved, make the hair look more natural.
You can contact us for free online consultation by Dr. Ferhad YILDIZ