Is Hair Transplant Good in Turkey?
If you ask “is hair transplant good in turkey?” Definitely yes. If you want both an operation and a touristic trip, Turkey is a great country for that. Turkey, with its advanced health tourism and places to visit, is a country that has no rivals in the world in terms of hair transplantation. Just imagine, your aesthetic concerns are over and you are having a nice holiday: At Unbelievable Prices.
Hair Transplant Advantages in Turkey
We can say that Turkey is the hair transplant capital of the world, both economically and because it has many options. Due to the differences in the exchange rate, Turkey can offer more affordable packages than many European countries. You can find our hair transplant package prices in our clinic here. Health tourism, which has been developing for years, has given health workers a very high level of experience. This experience is also reflected in hair transplants, resulting in excellent results.
In addition, after hair transplant surgery, many patients find the opportunity to visit historical and touristic places in Turkey. Especially in Istanbul, such as the Grand Bazaar, Bosphorus Tour, Maiden’s Tower and shopping centers where you can find many world-famous brands in the same place.
What Should I Consider When Choosing a Hair Clinic in Turkey?
With the developing hair transplant market, unfortunately, many blackmarket clinics continue their activities in illegal ways. Nowadays it is possible to do this with a simple website, a few social media accounts and unreal before and after photos.
Be Careful
In order not to be a victim, you can request the certifications of the clinic, doctor, medical team, the hospital where the surgery is performed, where you plan to have a operation. Making a video call with the doctor who will perform the surgery will reduce your risk for the wrong choice.